Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute
1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33., Hungary * Letters: H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49. * Tel: +36 1 392 2222 *

Jánosy János Sebestyén

head of department

Jánosy János Sebestyén

Házi Gábor

head of group
Theoretical Thermohidraulics Research Group
Campus phone: 11-22

Házi Gábor

Márkus Attila

junior researcher
Theoretical Thermohidraulics Research Group
Campus phone: 3644

Márkus Attila

Farkas István

Theoretical Thermohidraulics Research Group
Campus phone: 1757

Farkas István

Mezei Ferencné

system administrator
Campus phone: 1874

Mezei Ferencné

Nagy Attila

Campus phone: 1874

Nagy Attila

Páles József

Campus phone: 1874

Páles József

Szabó B. Katalin

Campus phone: 11-33

Szabó B. Katalin

Baranyainé Enyedi Gabriella

technical assaistant
Campus phone: 1536

Baranyainé Enyedi Gabriella

Vértesy Leila

Campus phone: 11-33

Vértesy Leila