Environmental monitoring at KFKI Campus

In the paper the instrumentation of Environmental Protection Service are summarized. The equipments used in on line and off line monitoring are presented. The calibration facilities and system of personnel dosimetry also are demonstrated.
Key words
Environmental monitoring, emergency preparedness
At KFKI campus, the Budapest Research reactor and the Institute of Isotops Co.Ltd. dealing with
production of wide variety of radioactive isotopes are in operation. Controlling the radioactive
contamination environmental monitoring stations has been installed. The stations are equipped to
monitor the dose rate, the air contamination. For controlling the internal exposure the whole body
counting instrument is in operation. The Environmental Protection Service is also responsible for
personal dosimetry. For the emergency situations a well equipped mobile laboratory is in the alert.
2.1. New on line data collection
The reconstructed Data Collecting System processes every minute and then visualizes:
dosimetrical parameters in the field (dose rate from 17 GM monitors on the KFKI Campus), release parameters from the Budapest Research Reactor (stack release monitoring) and meteorological data (wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation, etc.).