Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute
1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33., Hungary * Letters: H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49. * Tel: +36 1 392 2222 *

Curriculum Vitae

Hózer Zoltán

Personal Details

Name: Hózer Zoltán

Scientific degree: PhD

Nationality: Hungarian


Education and Degrees


PhD, Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Dr. Univ., Technical University of Budapest


Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI)

Professional Experience


head of Fuel Department of AEKI


senior research scientist at AEKI


head of Fuel and Reactor Materials Department of AEKI


research scientist at AEKI


visitor scientist at the CEA Grenoble


research scientist at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute (AEKI)

Research Interest

1984-1988 Numerical modeling of two-phase gas-liquid systems in 2D approach
1988-1990 development of LOCA model for the Paks full-scope simulator
1990-1991 development of CATHARE thermal hydraulic code at CEA
1998-1994 participation the model developments for the Paks full scope simulator, (two-phase flow model of the primary circuit and thermal hydraulic model of the hermetic compartments).
1994-1995 implementation of hermetic compartment models into several VVER-440 simulators including the severe accident simulator at the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.
1992-1996 Post-tests analyses of thermal hydraulic and fuel burst tests using the CATHARE code
1996-2003 numerical simulation of leaking fuel rods, development of the RING code.
1996-2006 supervising the CODEX experimental programme on integral core degradation experiments
-VVER tests with and without quench
- PWR tests with air ingress conditions
- VVER test with boron-carbide control rod
1996- supervising separate effect test series on fuel behaviour under normal and accident conditions
- zirconium oxidation in high temperature steam and gases
- embrittlement of Zr cladding during accidents
- ballooning and burst of fuel rods
- hydrogen up-take and release by zirconium alloys
- ruthenium oxidation and release at high temperature
2000-2003 Level 2 probabilistic safety assessment of the Paks NPP
2003-2004 numerical simulation of spent fuel pool accidents
2005-2007 analyses of the Paks-2 cleaning tank incident
- integral tests with small fuel bundles
- oxidation tests in hydrogen rich steam
- evaluation of activity release data from the damaged fuel
- 2005- supporting the solution of problems with handling of damaged fuel at Paks NPP
- experimental simulation of the operation of containers, estimation of activity release
- analyses of activity-concentration history in the coolant of Paks NPP
2007-2008 analysis of the radwaste problems of new nuclear units in Hungary