Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute
1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33., Hungary * Letters: H-1525 Budapest 114, P.O.B. 49. * Tel: +36 1 392 2222 *

Publications - Takács Antal

Selected Professional Publications and Reports in Thermalhydraulics

[45] A. Takács Implementation of CATHARE2V2.5 Code. OAH/NBI-ABA-08/10-M, Budapest, November 2010

[44] L. Szabados, Gy. Ézsöl, L. Perneczky, I. Tóth, A. Guba, A. Takács, I. Trosztel: Major Findings of PMK-2 Test Results and Validation of Thermohydraulic System Codes for VVER Safety Studies
Final Report on the PMK-2 Projects, Volume II, Akademic Publisher, 2009, Budapest

[25] A. Takács (AEKI-THL), A. Csige, G. Paitz, A. Tormási (BME-NTI) Final Report on APROS-CATHARE Validation Performed for HAEA Between 2006 and 2009, OAH/NBI-ABA-46/09-M, Budapest, September, 2009 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[24] A. Takács (AEKI-THL), Gy. Fejérdy, G. Paitz, A. Tormási (BME-NTI) Comparison of APROS and CATHARE Calculations for a Steam Generator Collector Cover Opening in a VVER-440, OAH/NBI-ABA-46/09-M, Budapest, September, 2009 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[23] A. Takács CATHARE Calculation of Phenomena Initiated by a Steam Generator Collector Cover Opening in a VVER-440, OAH/NBI-ABA-05/08, Budapest, November, 2008 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[22] A. Takács (AEKI-THL), Gy. Fejérdy, G. Paitz, A. Tormási (BME-NTI) Comparison of CATHARE and APROS Calculations of a 200% Steam Line Break in Reactor Hall, OAH/NBI-ABA-14/09, Budapest, June, 2008 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[21] A. Takács CATHARE Calculation of a 200% Steam Line Break in the Reactor Hall of VVER-440. OAH/NBI-ABA-28/07, Budapest, January, 2008 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[20] A. Takács (AEKI-THL), Gy. Fejérdy, G. Paitz, A. Tormási (BME-NTI) Comparison of CATHARE and APROS Calculations of a 200% Cold Leg LOCA in Plant During Coool-Down. Definition of Initial and Boundary Conditions for a 200% Steam Line Break Calculation. OAH/NBI-ABA-28/07, Budapest, October, 2007 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[19] A. Takács, I. T. Farkas CATHARE Calculation of 200% Cold Leg LOCA During Coool-Down in VVER-440, OAH/NBI-ABA-28/06, Budapest, March, 2007 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[18] L. Perneczky, A. Takács (AEKI-THL), Gy. Fejérdy, G. Paitz, A. Tormási (BME-NTI) Comparison of APROS and CATHARE Calculations for Break of Pipe Between PRZ and PRZ Safety Valve of Nominal Diameter 90 mm, OAH/NBI-ABA-28/06, Budapest, November, 2006 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[17] A. Takács Application of CATHARE Code for VVERs. Assessment of Chapter 15 of Final Safety Report. Break of Pipe Between PRZ and PRZ Safety Valve of Nominal Diameter 90 mm in VVER-440, OAH/NBI-ABA-14/05, Budapest, January, 2006 (in Hungarian, for HAEA)

[16] Gy. Gyenes, A. Takács, I. T. Farkas Station Blackout at Paks VVER-440/213 Reactor Calculated by ICARE/CATHARE V1mod1.2 Coupled Code. ICARE/CATHARE Validation, 2002, Second Task, IPSN, Budapest, 2002, December

[15] L. Perneczky, E. Biró, A. Takács Database for Thermal-Hydraulic System Codes, Reference Reactor: VVER-440/V213 in Paks NPP, Budapest, February, 2002

[14] Gy. Gyenes, A. Takács Steady State Calculation of VVER-440/213 by ICARE/CATHARE V1mod1 Coupled Code, ICARE/CATHARE Validation, 2001, THIRD TASK, IPSN Contract No. 4000 0A421 930, AEKI-G-1086/2000

[13] Gy. Gyenes, A. Takács Validation of the ICARE/CATHARE Code: ICARE/CATHARE V1 Non-Regression Test: The LOFT L2-5 Experiment, prepared in the Framework of IPSN/AEKI Contract No. 4000-9A313360, AEKI-G-1035/99, August 2000, Budapest

[12] A. Takács Task 4: Comparison of Plant and PMK Calculations for Test2 (CLB-PH) at KFKI/AEKI with the CATHARE Code, PHARE SRR3/95 Project, Contract No. 97-0596, Ref. PH SRR3/R10, 1999, Budapest

[11] A. Takács Task 5: Post-Test Calculation of Test2 (CLB-PH) at KFKI/AEKI with the CATHARE Code, PHARE SRR3/95 Project, Contract No. 97-0596, Ref. PH SRR3/R09, 1999, Budapest

[10] A. Takács Task 5: Post-Test Calculations of Test1 (STAT1) at KFKI/AEKI with the CATHARE Code, PHARE SRR3/95 Project, Contract No. 97-0596, Ref. PH SRR3/R08, 1999, Budapest

[9] I.T. Farkas, Z. Hózer, A. Takács Use of CATHARE in KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, presented at the 19th CUC meeting, 7-8 Becember, 1995, Grenoble

[8] I.T. Farkas, Z. Hózer, A. Takács Post Test Analysis of LOBI BT17 Experiment, KFKI-1994-05/G, Budapest

[7] Z. Hózer, A. Takács Post Test Analysis of LOBI BT01 Experiment, KFKI-1994-07/G, Budapest

[6] M. Dús, Z. Hózer, A. Takács Implementation of CATHARE code V1.3E, KFKI-1994-6/G, Budapest

[5] J. Dienstbier (NRI Rez), G. Lajtha (VEIKI), A. Takács (AEKI-THL) Application of ESCADRE VVER to Severe Accident Analysis, MEMO SEMAR 94/16, IPSN/DRS rapport, 1994, Cadarache

[4] G. Lajtha (VEIKI), A. Takács (AEKI-THL), J. Dienstbier (NRI Rez) Developments Realized for a VVER Version,
ESCADRE VVER Meeting, 22 25 September, 1992, Budapest

[3] Cs. Gyõri, Gy. Hegyi, Z. Hózer, A. Keresztúri, Cs. Maráczy, A. Takács Three dimensional Reactor Model for the Paks NPP Full Scope Simulator, ENS TOPFORM'92 Conference, 18 21 October, 1992, Prague

[2] A. Takács Testing of SMABRE Code by the Experimental Result of ISP 26, ISP 26 Final Workshop, 6-7 June, 1990, Grenoble

[1] A. Takács Testing of SMABRE Code by Several Experimental Results, TC/W on Computer Aided Safety Analysis, 14-17 May, 1990, Moscow

Other publications, lectures and non-professional activity

Tûz és víz (1987)

2009 Use of CATHARE KFKI-AEKI, A Historical Overview of 20 Years. Presentation at 23rd CUC Meeting, Grenoble, France 3-11 June

2009 Recent IET and Related Activities in Hungary, An Overview. Presented at 3rd International Workshop on IET
Daejeon, Korea, April 20

2009 Brain - an engineer's view on brain, sleep and dream. Lecture at Rogers High School, Budapest

2008 Noise Emitting Flames and Water Droplet Formation, AEKI School, Tata, March 26-28, Hungary

2002 Qualitative numerical elements of CFD, CFD Seminar at TH Department

2002 What is CFD? What is it good for and what not?, CFD Seminar at TH Department

1993- book cover designs for Kassák Publishing House, mandala figures to paint for kids, card and text illustrations

1985 Differential geometry calculations of cogwheel contact curves. Contribution to a PhD thesis, TU of Budapest